WP-SMS 慢速磁力搅拌器
代碼: A131SI 系列振荡摇床向您提供最佳的稳定性和耐久性
代碼: A36WS-200 摇床 是为满足各种实验需求而设计的高效多功能平台
代碼: A37MSP Series微量分注器是值得您信赖的工具,精准且无污染的设计协助您生产高品质的实验数据
代碼: A83FS-05-DM is a powerful demonstration device designed to show user how to operate the user interface of the Winpact benchtop fermentation system.
代碼: A133FS-V-SA Series Winpact Solid State system is designed for the laboratory scale researches to gain the excellent results, the optimization, and for the scale up through built-in controller factors.
代碼: A05ODM-MINI-500-CP 轻巧的体积并具备完整的功能,满足您水平或垂直电泳等基本实验需求
代碼: A112MP-100安全且操作简单
代碼: A38MINI-300电泳仪电源结合了体积小、多功能性的特色
代碼: A39MINI-500满足您水平或垂直电泳等基本实验需求
代碼: A40MP-310电源供应器有多种安全设计确保实验安全
代碼: A41MP-510电源供应器微型处理器可以进行连续或定时模式
代碼: A42MP-320电源供应器配备2.4吋彩色液晶屏幕实时显示
代碼: A43