Major Science的轉印系統適合用於在核酸或蛋白質的凝膠電泳進行分子大小區分後,藉以識別出核酸或蛋白質中的特定的分子片段。我們提供轉漬系統、電泳轉漬系統和半乾式轉漬系統。
MSB10W offer a combination of increased capacity with economical features
細節MSB10W offer a combination of increased capacity with economical features
MV-10WCBS includes four inter-locking cassettes and sixteen fiber pads
細節MV-10WCBS includes four inter-locking cassettes and sixteen fiber pads
MV-20CBS in conjunction with the advanced cooling system allow for rapid electroblotting in as little as one hour
細節MV-20CBS in conjunction with the advanced cooling system allow for rapid electroblotting in as little as one hour
MEBM20 are primarily designed for wet electrophoresis of proteins, and offer a combination of increased capacity with economical features.
細節MEBM20 are primarily designed for wet electrophoresis of proteins, and offer a combination of increased capacity with economical features.